Open Researcher and Contributor ID
Comprehensive Exam
I need you to find a way to catalog all of your life lessons, whether in the classroom or outside, whether formal or informal, whether caught or taught, into your personal academic account at ORCID. This will make it clear to anyone what the trend of your personal "learning curve" is in various circumstances and situations, answering the questions "where have I come from?" and "where do we go from here?"
In which direction is your learning and leadership moving? What is the trend going forward over the last 3 years? For example, your areas of specialization, interests, and where your calling may be taking you can be deduced from your ORCID.

ORCID serves as a paper trail that establishes the "creditworthiness" of gifted individuals who will be conferred the MA (Theology). It acts as a sort of "life transcript" of significant moments in your ministry to substantiate your Lic.
While you have already put in the effort and fulfilled the requirements for graduation, ORCID helps to organize the various component parts of your biblical education during the years you have been with us.
If I were to ask to see your ORCID, you should be able to walk me through the various steps and phases of how the Spirit has been leading and guiding you over many seasons, sometimes decades, of reading, investigation, focus, and application.
Please fill up your ORCID today, as it will probably take some time to recall all the various movements and phases in times past. Over the years you will have left a digital footprint in the wake of your service to the King, find ways to sort and classify this information and make it available to the public record at ORCID.
ORCID is a free online map that, if done properly, accounts for how you have responded to divine favor over a lifetime of successes and sometimes failures. It describes how you have "experienced God's love and pass it on."
ORCID is one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread. It is also part of your comprehensive exam before moving into the Thesis writing phase toward full accreditation under DAVT Ordination.
Gerard Seow
Gerard has an uncanny altitude to imagine a range of possibilities, fantasise about plausible outcomes or benefits, and research facts to imaginatively grasp the subject matter - so that he can bring out what is latent and hidden, or impact-fully speak into the life of another, or tactfully conceptualise a way forward, that will change the existing paradigm
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Singapore, Australia, United States, United Kingdom, Vatican City, Switzerland, Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, China, South Africa, Vietnam, Cambodia, Hong Kong SAR China, Indonesia, Brunei, Myanmar [Burma], France, Mongolia, Japan, Israel
Prophetiea - Learning the eye, Deaconiea - Learning the hand, Didasko- Learning the ear, Parakaleho - Learning the tongue, Metadidomi- Learning the neck, Proistemi - Learning the head, Eleeos - Learning the heart, Philosophy of ministry - We help gifted individuals discover genius through modalities, Motto: Every soul ordained for greatness, every community can bless God and flourish, Pedagogy - If the fish is sick don’t treat the fish change the water, Taxonomy - προ δεα διδ παρ μετ ιστ ελε, Bibliography - It’s all about you but you are not what it’s all about