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Jan 2015 : Eagles Nest with Petrus Freddy, SOM-15, F2F

Dear All -

I’m sure you’ve been as busy as I've been at the start of the year. In fact, I’ve been playing catch up after an awesome end to last year. Yes, I’d love to meet up and I have a number of slots where I meet people including first-timers to the mission. You’d only need to check with my wife Lianne who helps me track my appointments. Usually Tues or Thur nights if you are working or, any mornings after 7:30 am if you are not working regular hours. Call Mrs Lianne Seow 9-630-9664 when able to make a book if ever.


(Sat 24th Jan, 9:00 am) in association with Eagle Eye, Jakarta and School of Ministry (SOM-15) welcomes founder and pastor of CGIC Foundation, Pastor Petrus Freddy. This missional consultation is jointly hosted by The Oikos Fellowship & OATH Visayas and friends of Jesus in Singapore. Principle speaker for the day is apostle and prophet PETRUS FREDDY originally from Salatiga and holds a doctorate degree from STT Bethel (Indonesia).


what one man calls blasphemy, another calls satire. And for God's sake, let’s please learn the difference. Years ago, what one man called natural selection, another man calls adaptation. But if it takes the blood of free men to buy this truth and disciple Islam, so be it. It took the blood of Stephen to disciple a pharisee named Saul who became the premier apostle in the christian era, Paul of Tarsus. My prayer is that the blood of the satirists shall become the seed of an Arab world revival.


is a question students in the 2015 (Term 1) batch of the school of ministry will contend with from a theological & historical perspective as we receive a string of mentors and instructors including Ptr Victoria Widodo, Albert Abrahams, Tania Takalao, Dr Anna Hluan from Burma, Rev Dr Mike Wieteska (UK), Ptr Tess Casteneda (CLS). Intern duty rotation is 6 -8 weeks, curricula based on CJB (David Sterns), weekly walk-the-talk session in the back-lanes (Indo, Thai, Viet, Mand, Telug, Tamil, Sinhala, Malayalam, etc). Daily classroom interaction, on-site research opportunity for student cross-training with regular GBG volunteers


Face-to-Face is an ambitious 2-year program in collaboration with pastors-teachers with the aim of blessing various missional fields. Bible synthesis allows the “seeing together” of various points of view to come along “side-by-side” with lessons drawn from both the Old and New. A F2F reading guide is distributed free to participants who are given the option to join us for the day-track sessions (5:00 am - 8:00 am) comprising of 10 discipleship themes spread out (Father Heart, Holy Spirit, Lordship… etc). Learn how to read your bible from a hebraic perspective discovering principles through a blend of theological and historical studies in the secret gardens of the soul. MON - FRI, 5:00 am - 7:30 am


40-days plant-strong. Our house is currently under Hallelujah fast. If staying in-house, during this period until Sun Feb-15 please help us to stay away from certain foods. Vegetables like pumpkin, eggplant, long-beans & bitter gourd are fine, green or red fruits are welcomed, as is ocean-fresh fish, a nutritious source of protein eg, white snapper, etc Brown-rice we have plenty of. If you would like to confirm what we can and cannot eat or would like to be a regular Fruits, Veg or Fish supplier, pls check with Ptr KokWee (9827 8300) or call (Ptr Beth 8152 9231) for donations or confirm drop-off timing at 175 a/b Geylang Road S(389247) or call our main church line (Tel: 6-743-6938)

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